The process of education is intimately related to the process of healing. The root word of education – educare – means to lead forth a hidden wholeness in another person.  A genuine education fosters self-knowledge, self-trust, creativity and the full expression of one’s unique identity.  It gives people the courage to be more.

Alex found the perfect home for his heart and his soul when he found Ashland…the people, the place, the activity, the love.  He gave to his community, his community gave back to him, lovingly, without reservation, without limit.  Our intention is for the gifts from the Alex Newport-Berra FUNdation to go to young people in the Ashland community and beyond…to nurture Alex’s spirit in them.

Contributions can be made to the Alex Newport-Berra FUNdation by clicking here.

If you wish to send checks to the fund, please mail a check to:

Oregon Community Foundation

1221 SW Yamhill St, Suite 100, Portland, OR 97205.

In the memo line, please indicate the “Alex Newport-Berra FUNdation Fund”

Gifts from the fund will go to kids and young adults in Ashland and the surrounding communities to encourage them to participate in activities that promote healthy minds and healthy bodies.

Gifts will be given to encourage young people to find and follow their life’s passion and live, as Alex did, with integrity, with intention, with passion, with FUN and with love.

Gifts will support young people’s efforts to participate in activities and support causes that Alex did.

Examples might include:

Gifts to Siskiyou School with a special focus on kids…the ones Alex sought out, taught, nurtured.

Gifts to support local events including the Siskiyou Challenge and the Mt. Ashland Hill Climb.

Gifts to support young people who want to commit to practicing Bikram Yoga


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